Corporate News
#research presents the best solar companies in Germany
If you want to buy a solar system, you are spoiled for choice. All over Germany, Google and the like turn up numerous providers, from large companies to small service providers. To separate the wheat from the chaff,, Germany's largest portal for electromobility, has carried out a large-scale test. The aim: to find the best regional solar companies in Germany.
Targeting strategies for targeted advertising with maximum success
How do you reach the right target group in a post-cookie world and make online campaigns a success? And what works best for this: contextual targeting, first- or third-party targeting? We got to the bottom of these questions in a case study centred around our in-house product "Der Kopfhörer".
Award ceremony in Munich: FOCUS online honors 6 media contributions with "Constructive World Award"
"one purpose, many faces" - under this motto, FOCUS online presented the Constructive World Award for the first time on Tuesday evening. With around 200 guests from the world of media, business and politics, seven outstanding critical-constructive media contributions were honored in Munich.
Auf einen Kaffee mit der Redaktion
Nähe schaffen, digitale Medien greifbar machen, Bedürfnisse verstehen: Als wir vor einigen Wochen unser News-Café im Herzen des Münchner Glockenbachviertels eröffnet haben, war es uns vor allem ein Anliegen mit den Menschen, die unsere Nachrichten konsumieren, in Kontakt zu treten. Was bewegt sie? Was wünschen sie sich von digitalen News-Angeboten? Wie können wir im Alltag sinnvoll unterstützen?
What Germans think about electric cars and renewable energy
Fuel prices and electricity costs at record highs, calls for more climate protection are growing louder across generations. But how do consumers really feel about electromobility and renewable energies? The E-Mobilität-Portal together with the solar offerer Zolar asked scarcely 1,800 persons.
How Corona is changing the investment behaviour of Germans
Die Risikobereitschaft der Deutschen wächst, wenn es um Investments geht. Die BurdaForward Finance Studie 2021 deckt auf, welche Bedürfnisse deutsche Anleger in Krisenzeiten haben und wie dramatisch sie die Folgen der Pandemie für die wirtschaftliche Situation in Deutschland einschätzen.
BurdaForward launches Covid19 risk calculator
How safe is my office? How does the risk of infection change if I ventilate regularly? And does the type of mouth-nose protection really make that much difference? There is a lot of uncertainty about the risk of infection from Covid19. With the Covid19 risk calculator (CRR for short) from the publisher BurdaForward (including FOCUS Online,, TV SPIELFILM and, users can now individually calculate how high their risk of infection is.
Beyond the click: Why we are establishing a qualitative measurement of advertising effectiveness as standard
In close cooperation with Brand Metrics, we are the first marketer Germany-wide to offer advertising partners an analysis of qualitative advertising data for free - even for small campaigns. We do this for a simple reason: Beyond clicks and page impressions, what counts most is the effect that the campaigns of the advertised brands have on the attitude and behaviour of their target audience. Air France has tested the Brand Lift Algorithm. They have found that it gives them wings.