Corporate News
FOCUS online calls for applications for Constructive Award
The Constructive World Award from FOCUS online is entering the next round: The award ceremony will take place in June 2024 and journalists can now apply for the prize together with the people or companies behind their media contribution.
80.000 Euro für geflüchtete Kinder aus der Ukraine
FOCUS online und die weiteren Marken der BurdaForward helfen geflüchteten Kindern aus der Ukraine. Mehr als 80.000 Euro an Spenden gingen bisher über die im März gestartete Spenden-Aktion ein. Die Initiative basiert auf einer Initiative von BurdaForward, dem Deutschen Kinderhilfswerk und der TRIBUTE TO BAMBI Stiftung in the fast lane is the largest portal for electromobility in Germany. Now the young portal from BurdaForward is also asserting itself in the ranking of well-known automotive portals. Even ahead of established brands like, joins the top league.
Auf einen Kaffee mit der Redaktion
Nähe schaffen, digitale Medien greifbar machen, Bedürfnisse verstehen: Als wir vor einigen Wochen unser News-Café im Herzen des Münchner Glockenbachviertels eröffnet haben, war es uns vor allem ein Anliegen mit den Menschen, die unsere Nachrichten konsumieren, in Kontakt zu treten. Was bewegt sie? Was wünschen sie sich von digitalen News-Angeboten? Wie können wir im Alltag sinnvoll unterstützen?
Alina Bähr takes over as editor-in-chief of
Alina Bähr (34) is to become the new editor-in-chief of From October 15, 2021, Bähr will be responsible for the further development of the people portal, which is housed under the umbrella of digital publisher BurdaForward. Born in Berlin, she has previously held various positions at BurdaForward, including Deputy Head of News and Head of Entertainment at FOCUS Online.
Wir sind „Stärker.Zusammen“
Deutschland ist vorsichtig auf dem Weg in ein neues Leben mit Nähe und Begegnungen. FOCUS Online und andere BurdaForward-Marken wie, TV Spielfilm und begleiten die Menschen dabei. Im Rahmen der groß angelegten redaktionellen Initiative „Stärker.Zusammen“ berichtet BurdaForward konstruktiv über Positivbeispiele und Chancen, aber auch Herausforderungen der Pandemie.
FOCUS Online becomes more constructive with AI
FOCUS Online is the first German news portal to use an in-house developed tool based on artificial intelligence to make its content more constructive in the long term. The "Constructive Score" acts as a new metric in the daily editorial routine of FOCUS Online and provides the BurdaForward brand with live information about how solution-oriented the content on the portal is designed. With success: on the FOCUS Online homepage alone, the articles have increased in their constructiveness by more than 10 percent since the score went live in the middle of last year.
BurdaForward launches Covid19 risk calculator
How safe is my office? How does the risk of infection change if I ventilate regularly? And does the type of mouth-nose protection really make that much difference? There is a lot of uncertainty about the risk of infection from Covid19. With the Covid19 risk calculator (CRR for short) from the publisher BurdaForward (including FOCUS Online,, TV SPIELFILM and, users can now individually calculate how high their risk of infection is. celebrates 25th birthday
On 15 February 1996 at 12 o'clock sharp, the time had come: went online as an offshoot of the oldest German PC magazine on the World Wide Web. Today, CHIP is the market leader in the field of technology portals and the most trusted source for more than 24 million users when it comes to products and services in their everyday lives.
Joining forces against the Corona Blues
Usually, Advent is a time of coming together. This year, however, people are encouraged to isolate themselves and keep their distance. The lockdown is hitting Germany hard. How can we nevertheless help people feel hope, feel less lonely and move closer together, at least a little, from within their own four walls at home? That's what colleagues at BurdaForward asked themselves. Joining forces, the teams went on air on this fourth Sunday of Advent on Focus Online,, Chip, TV Spielfilm, FitForFun and the other portals in a nine-hour livestream.
Saying thank you & help children in need
2020 will long be remembered as extraordinary and particularly challenging. Now the end of the year is approaching in big steps - time to say thank you to companions. This time, advertising partners of BurdaForward can choose their own Christmas surprise and do good with a donation to the Tribute to Bambi Foundation.
The promise: The birth of Sinfoglesia
During a life-threatening illness eight years ago, the Cologne composer and producer Christoph Siemons finds hope, strength and new courage to face life in his faith and makes a very special promise to God. This is how Sinfoglesia was born - an ensemble of more than 100 musicians. The album "Das Versprechen" will be released on 4 December 2020.
Who will win the advertising campaign worth 50,000 euros?
At BurdaForward we have been successfully implementing native advertising on our portals FOCUS Online, CHIP, NetMoms and Finanzen100 for six years now. This year we celebrated the 1,000th implementation! For this reason, we are giving away a branding campaign worth 50,000 euros to a young company that thinks as constructively as we do.
BurdaForward strengthens its position as a digital publisher
With a reach of 45 million unique users and 33 million magazine readers per month, Hubert Burda Media is one of the largest providers of journalistic content in Germany. Together, Burda Media reaches almost 75 percent of the German population aged 16 and over.
"fit4future" Award for BurdaForward CCO Daniel Steil
At the annual charity gala of the Cleven Foundation, BurdaForward-CCO and former FOCUS Online Editor-in-Chief Daniel Steil was awarded the "fit4future" Honorary Award. Steil is a "man of the word" who makes a difference, emphasizes foundation chairman Robert Lübenoff in his laudation.
Native Advertising at BurdaForward: From hype to an established revenue model for publishers
Six years ago, we set out on almost unknown territory - and today we have reached the 1000th Native Advertising booking! We want to celebrate this and use it as an opportunity to support a young company that thinks as constructively as we do: We are giving away a native branding campaign worth 50,000 Euros!
#Lebenslauf2020 running challenge for Germany’s terminally ill children
"Mom said my brother is very sick and may leave us soon. Will he go to heaven?" Every day, the "Oskar Sorgentelefon” (Oskar worry phone) of the German association of children's hospices faces questions like these. Germany’s terminally ill children and their loved ones can reach the Oskar Sorgentelefon confidentially, free of charge and around the clock – even in the middle of the night or on holidays. The telephone service is financed by donations alone, but these have come to a near standstill in the face of the economic crisis that hit German society during the coronavirus pandemic. While donations are slowing down, OSKAR’s telephone hotlines never stand still - and neither does Marie Schulte-Bockum.
Young people rely on
Most teenagers and young adults rely on in all questions of everyday life. According to the latest study of the Media Diversity Monitor (2019-II), the consumer portal positions itself before and the streaming platform Netflix. reaches more than 24 million people every month with its expert tips and product tests.
100 artists, 1 good cause
We can get lost in music. Music can make us cry. It can drive us to top performance in sports. It catches us, makes us happy or comforts us. Music carries and accompanies us through all situations in life. That is why we want to do good together with fantastic artists and the FOCUS Online #CoronaCare campaign and do good
80th birthday of Hubert Burda in Munich
The publisher Hubert Burda celebrated his 80th birthday on Monday at the Group's location in Arabellastraße. Hundreds of employees and numerous guests of honour, including the Bavarian Minister President Markus Söder, Munich's Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter, CSU honorary member Edmund Stoiber, actor Fritz Wepper, composer Eberhard Schoener and former McKinsey boss Herbert Henzler celebrated this special day with Burda.
Thank you, dear NetMoms!
We thank you, dear NetMoms. Thank you for trusting us when you seek advice for the daily challenges of life with children. Thank you for exchanging ideas with our fantastic community and sharing your own experiences. In October, NetMoms climbed to the top spot of German parent portals.
“Talking Good” with Olaf Scholz
It is finally here! The first “Talking Good” episode is available to watch on FOCUS Online. In the pilot of the new video format, moderator Cherno Jobatey enters into a dialogue with Germany’s Vice-Chancellor and Finance Minister Olaf Scholz. Together, they discuss solidarity and social responsibility.
Finanzen100 climbs to top spot
For the first time ever, Finanzen100 tops the competitive ranking of finance portals with 5.12 million unique users in the month of July, thus banishing to second place with a lead of more than 700,000 unique users. In addition to CHIP and FOCUS Online, BurdaForward now has a third market leader in its portfolio.
BurdaForward goes Italy
It’s settled! We are opening BurdaForward's first international office in the Italian port city of Bari. For our market entry in Italy we are receiving support from our partner, the Fincons Group, a leading management consultancy in the IT sector with more than 36 years of experience in the international market.
Happy Birthday CHIP
On September 7, 1978, the first CHIP was published in magazine stores. The technical and consumer medium is celebrating this anniversary with a comprehensive anniversary edition, which will be available from 7 September, exactly 40 years after its first publication. For four decades, the brand has accompanied and shaped digital development in Germany.
Award for The Weather Channel
At the end of 2015, we brought the US weather portal The Weather Channel to Germany. Now the Weather Channel has landed at number one of the most respected media in the USA. This is the result of a recent survey of around 1000 US citizens conducted by the Ipsos opinion research institute.