Disaster recovery: How to enable automatic backups of an Atlas MongoDB cluster
von Giuseppe De Santis
In today’s technology-driven world, data is the lifeblood of any organization. For businesses relying on MongoDB as their database solution, safeguarding critical data against potential disasters is not just a best practice but a mission-critical necessity. Imagine the nightmare of losing your entire database due to an unexpected failure or cyberattack. It’s a scenario that no one wants to experience.
Fortunately, disaster recovery can be simplified and made highly reliable by automating the backup process. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the steps to enable automatic backups of your MongoDB cluster hosted on MongoDB Atlas using Terraform for implementing it with infrastructure as code (IaC). To add an extra layer of resilience, we’ll also show you how to store these backups securely in Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3.
The code for the backup module is available on GitHub: https://github.com/Giuseppedes/mongodb-atlas-backups-with-terraform/
Assuming we have a terraform module for defining the Mongo Atlas cluster, the first step for enabling backups is to set the argument cloud_backup in the resource mongodbatlas_cluster.
resource "mongodbatlas_cluster" "my-cluster" {
project_id = var.mongodbatlas_project_id
name = var.mongodbatlas_project_name
provider_instance_size_name = var.provider_instance_size_name # At least "M10", backup is not available on smaller instances
provider_name = "AWS"
cloud_backup = var.mongodbatlas_backup
resource "aws_s3_bucket" "mongodb_snapshots_bucket" {
bucket = "mongodb-snapshots"
This will enable the cloud backup on Atlas with the default policy settings (frequency and retention), we will update it later.
At this point, we need to create the S3 bucket that will be used for exporting the snapshots, this is optional, but it’s another measure to react to a failure on Atlas, avoiding data loss.
We can wrap all the following resources in a module, so we can use count to optionally create the backup setup depending on the value of the flag mongodbatlas_backup, this allows you to use the same template for different environments (e.g., we are setting mongodbatlas_backup: true for production and false for development deployments).
resource "aws_iam_role_policy" "mongodbatlas_policy" {
name = "mongo_setup_policy"
role = aws_iam_role.mongodbatlas_role.id
policy = <<-EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:GetBucketLocation",
"Resource": "${aws_s3_bucket.mongodb_snapshots_bucket.arn}"
"Effect": "Allow",
"Action": "s3:PutObject",
"Resource": "${aws_s3_bucket.mongodb_snapshots_bucket.arn}/*"
resource "aws_iam_role" "mongodbatlas_role" {
name = "mongo_setup_role"
assume_role_policy = <<EOF
"Version": "2012-10-17",
"Statement": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Principal": {
"AWS": "${mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_setup.setup_only.aws.atlas_aws_account_arn}"
"Action": "sts:AssumeRole",
"Condition": {
"StringEquals": {
"sts:ExternalId": "${mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_setup.setup_only.aws.atlas_assumed_role_external_id}"
Atlas needs to be allowed to write files in the bucket we’ve just created, let’s create a policy that grants permissions for writing objects in the bucket and a role that will be assumed by Atlas during the export job.
resource "mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_setup" "setup_only" {
project_id = var.mongodbatlas_project_id
provider_name = "AWS"
resource "mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_authorization" "auth_role" {
project_id = var.mongodbatlas_project_id
role_id = mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_setup.setup_only.role_id
aws {
iam_assumed_role_arn = aws_iam_role.mongodbatlas_role.arn
This will create all the resources on AWS side, but we need to connect them with Atlas, for this, we have to use two resources: mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_setup and mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_authorization.
The former allows you to register AWS IAM roles in Atlas, the latter allows you to authorize them.
Note that we have used values of mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_setup for restricting the assume_role_policy of aws_iam_role.
resource "mongodbatlas_cloud_backup_snapshot_export_bucket" "mongodb-snapshots-bucket" {
project_id = var.mongodbatlas_project_id
iam_role_id = mongodbatlas_cloud_provider_access_setup.setup_only.role_id
bucket_name = aws_s3_bucket.mongodb_snapshots_bucket.id
cloud_provider = "AWS"
depends_on = [
We can now use the resource mongodbatlas_cloud_backup_snapshot_export_bucket to tell Atlas to use the bucket we've just created for exporting the snapshots. Since there is no direct connection between the authorization resource and the following one, we need to specify the dependency with depends_on argument.
resource "mongodbatlas_cloud_backup_schedule" "mongodb_backup_schedule" {
project_id = mongodbatlas_cluster.my-cluster.project_id
cluster_name = mongodbatlas_cluster.my-cluster.name
dynamic "policy_item_hourly" {
for_each = var.mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_hourly_list
content {
frequency_interval = policy_item_hourly.value.frequency_interval
retention_unit = policy_item_hourly.value.retention_unit
retention_value = policy_item_hourly.value.retention_value
dynamic "policy_item_daily" {
for_each = var.mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_daily_list
content {
frequency_interval = policy_item_daily.value.frequency_interval
retention_unit = policy_item_daily.value.retention_unit
retention_value = policy_item_daily.value.retention_value
dynamic "policy_item_weekly" {
for_each = var.mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_weekly_list
content {
frequency_interval = policy_item_weekly.value.frequency_interval
retention_unit = policy_item_weekly.value.retention_unit
retention_value = policy_item_weekly.value.retention_value
dynamic "policy_item_monthly" {
for_each = var.mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_monthly_list
content {
frequency_interval = policy_item_monthly.value.frequency_interval
retention_unit = policy_item_monthly.value.retention_unit
retention_value = policy_item_monthly.value.retention_value
auto_export_enabled = true
export {
export_bucket_id = mongodbatlas_cloud_backup_snapshot_export_bucket.mongodb-snapshots-bucket.export_bucket_id
frequency_type = var.mongodbatlas_backup_export_frequency_type
The setup is now complete, we only need to specify a schedule policy with auto_export enabled.
In the following code, we use dynamic for creating a dynamic number of blocks policy_item_XXX (0 to n, depending on the number of policies we specify in the variables)
// DB Backup Settings
variable "mongodbatlas_backup" {
type = bool
description = "Is MongoDBAtlas Backup enabled?"
default = false
variable "mongodbatlas_backup_export_frequency_type" {
type = string
description = "daily/weekly/monthly export"
default = "monthly"
variable "mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_hourly_list" {
type = list(object({
frequency_interval = number
retention_unit = string
retention_value = number
description = "Backup policies for creating snapshots every X hours."
default = []
variable "mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_daily_list" {
type = list(object({
frequency_interval = number
retention_unit = string
retention_value = number
description = "Backup policies for creating snapshots every day. frequency_interval = 1 (1 every day)"
default = []
variable "mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_weekly_list" {
type = list(object({
frequency_interval = number
retention_unit = string
retention_value = number
description = "Backup policies for creating snapshots every week. 1 <= frequency_interval <= 7, where 1 represents Monday and 7 represents Sunday."
default = []
variable "mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_monthly_list" {
type = list(object({
frequency_interval = number
retention_unit = string
retention_value = number
description = "Backup policies for creating snapshots every month. 1 <= frequency_interval <= 28 or 40 (last day of the month)"
default = []
mongodbatlas_backup = true
mongodbatlas_backup_export_frequency_type = "weekly"
mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_hourly_list = [
frequency_interval = 6
retention_unit = "days"
retention_value = 2
mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_daily_list = [
frequency_interval = 1
retention_unit = "days"
retention_value = 7
mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_weekly_list = [
frequency_interval = 1 # Monday
retention_unit = "weeks"
retention_value = 4
frequency_interval = 6 # Saturday
retention_unit = "weeks"
retention_value = 4
mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_monthly_list = [
frequency_interval = 40 # Last day of the month
retention_unit = "months"
retention_value = 12
Production variables
Backup enabled; snapshots every 6 hours, every day, every Monday and Saturday, every last day of the month; weekly exports on S3.
mongodbatlas_backup = true
mongodbatlas_backup_export_frequency_type_list = "monthly"
mongodbatlas_backup_policy_item_monthly = [
frequency_interval = 40 # Last day of the month
retention_unit = "months"
retention_value = 12
Staging variables
Backup enabled; snapshots every last day of the month; monthly exports on S3.
Development variables
Backup disabled.
mongodbatlas_backup = false