Corporate News
Why self-tests should be part of everyday office life
This week, the decision was made: companies are now obliged to offer their employees Corona tests at least once a week. The procedure, which is a challenge for many companies, has been part of everyday life at BurdaForward for weeks - a good occasion to share experiences and motivate people to take this step.
Joining forces against the Corona Blues
Usually, Advent is a time of coming together. This year, however, people are encouraged to isolate themselves and keep their distance. The lockdown is hitting Germany hard. How can we nevertheless help people feel hope, feel less lonely and move closer together, at least a little, from within their own four walls at home? That's what colleagues at BurdaForward asked themselves. Joining forces, the teams went on air on this fourth Sunday of Advent on Focus Online,, Chip, TV Spielfilm, FitForFun and the other portals in a nine-hour livestream.
New Work: Short-term corona concept or long-term work model?
Germany works out of home office. When everything started in March 2020, everyone was acting in survival mode. Now the long-term nature of the remote working concept is in demand. Many companies are preparing for longer home offices. Because one factor that has changed since the first lockdown is the ability to plan.
Huge #CoronaCare campaign: FOCUS Online goes live for 12 hours on "Home Sunday"
Loneliness, uncertainty, financial hardship: the crisis is getting on people's nerves. This is why FOCUS Online has teamed up with,, Finanzen100, NetMoms, FIT FOR FUN, TV SPIELFILM and TV TODAY to compose a 12-hour live programme against the lockdown blues: This Sunday will be a "Home Sunday", which will give people in Germany courage and joy! The news portal goes on air with formats that offer support to individuals in the crisis. In addition to mental coaching, financial tips and workouts, entertaining things are brought into homes and flats.
Testing in exceptional situations: The CHIP test center in remote work
The test center is the heart of CHIP. On more than 250 square meters, our experts normally put products of all kinds through their paces. Everywhere on the test area are TVs, laptops, e-scooters, grills and a wide variety of smart devices - but how are they tested in times of corona and remote work?
Church@Home: Celebrate Easter with #CoronaCare
All over Germany millions of people flock to church at Easter. But during the coronavirus crisis, places of worship must remain closed. FOCUS Online, Bayerischer Rundfunk and DOMRADIO provide livestreams of Easter Masses, thus bringing the church services home.
How virtual meetings work better
Just under two weeks ago, all of BurdaForward was relocated from our offices in Germany and Italy to several 100 small home offices in order to protect colleagues from infection with the corona virus and prevent it from spreading. This measure came as no surprise, and yet a few challenges lurk in the home office - such as holding meetings.