Corporate News
With Scholz, Habeck, Lindner, Lindner and Merz: Tijen Onaran and FOCUS online invite you to the “MUT” talk
FOCUS online and entrepreneur Tijen Onaran are continuing their joint video podcast following the success of the first series. Under the title “MUT - Der Deutschland Talk”, top representatives of political parties, business and science talk about their plan for a sustained upturn.
“MUT” - FOCUS online launches video podcast series with Tijen Onaran
Courage meets vision: the new FOCUS Online video podcast “MUT - Der Deutschland-Talk” with Tijen Onaran sets an example. In conversation with top representatives from business and politics, entrepreneur Onaran takes an unbiased look at the situation: honest, direct and consistently in search of solutions.
FOCUS online calls for applications for Constructive Award
The Constructive World Award from FOCUS online is entering the next round: The award ceremony will take place in June 2024 and journalists can now apply for the prize together with the people or companies behind their media contribution.
Solutions instead of panic: The FOCUS online Earth newsletter
The climate crisis is undoubtedly one of the greatest challenges of our time. But while the news is often dominated by gloomy forecasts and negative developments, there are also glimmers of hope and possible solutions. This is precisely where the new FOCUS online Earth newsletter comes in.
Award ceremony in Munich: FOCUS online honors 6 media contributions with "Constructive World Award"
"one purpose, many faces" - under this motto, FOCUS online presented the Constructive World Award for the first time on Tuesday evening. With around 200 guests from the world of media, business and politics, seven outstanding critical-constructive media contributions were honored in Munich.
Constructive World Award: These are the nominees
FOCUS online, the news portal of the publishing house BurdaForward (including,, TV Spielfilm), launched the Constructive World Award at the beginning of this year. The award is intended to honor the social and journalistic work of those who think constructively and move our world forward. Nearly 100 applications were received. Now the nominees are being announced.
What is behind the Constructive World Award?
"One Purpose, Many Faces" is the motto under which the "Constructive World Award" will be presented for the first time in July 2023. The award, established by the BurdaForward portal Focus Online, is intended to honour the social and journalistic work of those who constructively think and move our world forward.
12 women, 12 ideas
This Tuesday, FOCUS online is launching a large-scale series of reports on female scientists from the Global South. The researchers portrayed in the series are working across continents to find solutions to humanity's biggest problems, such as combating disease or deadly hunger.
Auf einen Kaffee mit der Redaktion
Nähe schaffen, digitale Medien greifbar machen, Bedürfnisse verstehen: Als wir vor einigen Wochen unser News-Café im Herzen des Münchner Glockenbachviertels eröffnet haben, war es uns vor allem ein Anliegen mit den Menschen, die unsere Nachrichten konsumieren, in Kontakt zu treten. Was bewegt sie? Was wünschen sie sich von digitalen News-Angeboten? Wie können wir im Alltag sinnvoll unterstützen?
Stability in times of crisis
The current war in Ukraine fills us with concern and, in many cases, with new feelings of helplessness and fear. All of this hits us at a time when many people's health is already weakened by two years of the Corona pandemic. That's why it's more important than ever that we make ourselves strong and get help when we need it.
FOCUS Online becomes more constructive with AI
FOCUS Online is the first German news portal to use an in-house developed tool based on artificial intelligence to make its content more constructive in the long term. The "Constructive Score" acts as a new metric in the daily editorial routine of FOCUS Online and provides the BurdaForward brand with live information about how solution-oriented the content on the portal is designed. With success: on the FOCUS Online homepage alone, the articles have increased in their constructiveness by more than 10 percent since the score went live in the middle of last year.
Joining forces against the Corona Blues
Usually, Advent is a time of coming together. This year, however, people are encouraged to isolate themselves and keep their distance. The lockdown is hitting Germany hard. How can we nevertheless help people feel hope, feel less lonely and move closer together, at least a little, from within their own four walls at home? That's what colleagues at BurdaForward asked themselves. Joining forces, the teams went on air on this fourth Sunday of Advent on Focus Online,, Chip, TV Spielfilm, FitForFun and the other portals in a nine-hour livestream.
Saying thank you & help children in need
2020 will long be remembered as extraordinary and particularly challenging. Now the end of the year is approaching in big steps - time to say thank you to companions. This time, advertising partners of BurdaForward can choose their own Christmas surprise and do good with a donation to the Tribute to Bambi Foundation.
New Work: Short-term corona concept or long-term work model?
Germany works out of home office. When everything started in March 2020, everyone was acting in survival mode. Now the long-term nature of the remote working concept is in demand. Many companies are preparing for longer home offices. Because one factor that has changed since the first lockdown is the ability to plan.
Who will win the advertising campaign worth 50,000 euros?
At BurdaForward we have been successfully implementing native advertising on our portals FOCUS Online, CHIP, NetMoms and Finanzen100 for six years now. This year we celebrated the 1,000th implementation! For this reason, we are giving away a branding campaign worth 50,000 euros to a young company that thinks as constructively as we do.
Huge #CoronaCare campaign: FOCUS Online goes live for 12 hours on "Home Sunday"
Loneliness, uncertainty, financial hardship: the crisis is getting on people's nerves. This is why FOCUS Online has teamed up with,, Finanzen100, NetMoms, FIT FOR FUN, TV SPIELFILM and TV TODAY to compose a 12-hour live programme against the lockdown blues: This Sunday will be a "Home Sunday", which will give people in Germany courage and joy! The news portal goes on air with formats that offer support to individuals in the crisis. In addition to mental coaching, financial tips and workouts, entertaining things are brought into homes and flats.
#Lebenslauf2020 running challenge for Germany’s terminally ill children
"Mom said my brother is very sick and may leave us soon. Will he go to heaven?" Every day, the "Oskar Sorgentelefon” (Oskar worry phone) of the German association of children's hospices faces questions like these. Germany’s terminally ill children and their loved ones can reach the Oskar Sorgentelefon confidentially, free of charge and around the clock – even in the middle of the night or on holidays. The telephone service is financed by donations alone, but these have come to a near standstill in the face of the economic crisis that hit German society during the coronavirus pandemic. While donations are slowing down, OSKAR’s telephone hotlines never stand still - and neither does Marie Schulte-Bockum.
Constructively through the crisis
In April BurdaForward reached more than 41 million unique users for the second time in a row - that is two thirds of all German online users. With the highest-reach news service FOCUS Online and a strong platform of user-centred special interest portals, we are supporting the corona crisis with reliable reporting.
100 artists, 1 good cause
We can get lost in music. Music can make us cry. It can drive us to top performance in sports. It catches us, makes us happy or comforts us. Music carries and accompanies us through all situations in life. That is why we want to do good together with fantastic artists and the FOCUS Online #CoronaCare campaign and do good
Church@Home: Celebrate Easter with #CoronaCare
All over Germany millions of people flock to church at Easter. But during the coronavirus crisis, places of worship must remain closed. FOCUS Online, Bayerischer Rundfunk and DOMRADIO provide livestreams of Easter Masses, thus bringing the church services home.
"Eliminating fears and worries without trivializing"
Since one week FOCUS Online and a team of experts have been answering the most common questions about coronavirus in a digital consultation hour - live and in constant exchange with infectiologists, virologists and other specialists. Already in this time the portal reached with the consulting hour on over one million humans, daily several hundred Mails arrive with the editorship.
Peter Maffay talks about the emotional return to his native Romania
First chance, second chance, missed chance. For the third episode of the FOCUS online format "Talking Good", presenter Cherno Jobatey welcomes a renowned entertainer. Peter Maffay talks about his native Romania – and explains, why the country he fled as a child is like another world.
FOCUS Online starts "security report"
FOCUS Online is intensively dealing with the socially extremely relevant topic of internal security in a very deep and broad-based series. Under the title "Security Report Germany", the news portal will be publishing regular content on this topic in Germany from today.