Corporate News
DMEXCO 2022: „Return of the Currywurst“
Endlich wieder live und in Farbe netzwerken, austauschen, Impulse mitnehmen: Der Restart der DMEXCO in Köln nach über zwei Jahren Pandemie ist trotz deutlich reduziertem Aufgebot gelungen. Mit Currywurststand und Masterclass war BurdaForward auch in diesem Jahr mitten im Geschehen der rund 770 Speaker*innen und 40.000 Besucher*innen. success format celebrates its 100th episode
From the war of the roses between Kim Kardashian and Kanye West, to the pregnancy of YouTuber Dagi Bee, to the relationship of up-and-coming model Leni Klum. Every week, host Thomas Brinkmann reports on the celebrity topic of the week in a new episode of "Flashlights," reaching up to 800,000 viewers per episode. Now the hit format is celebrating its 100th edition.
Alina Bähr takes over as editor-in-chief of
Alina Bähr (34) is to become the new editor-in-chief of From October 15, 2021, Bähr will be responsible for the further development of the people portal, which is housed under the umbrella of digital publisher BurdaForward. Born in Berlin, she has previously held various positions at BurdaForward, including Deputy Head of News and Head of Entertainment at FOCUS Online.