Innovative through the crisis: run on sold-out financial webinars

by Eva Schuler
Thousands of registrations were recorded as thousands of enthusiastic participants flocked to the financial webinar with the "stock market grandmother" Beate Sander and with "Mr. Dax" Dirk Müller. The session was hosted by BurdaForward and Finanzen100, Germany's largest financial portal.
Everyone misses close personal interactions at this time of social distancing. Many people are worried about the economic effects of the pandemic and about their personal financial situation. At this point, an innovative webinar is of particular value: The direct exchange among each other and the useful answers and tips from financial experts help investors to overcome their fears.
Innovative ideas that address people's real needs
Many Germans are currently concerned not only about their own health or that of their loved ones. They are concerned about the future stability of the German economy and the uncertainty of how to deal with their own finances in such a crisis. BurdaForward addressed these concerns with the financial webinar - on an equal footing with all participants and with an ear for people's concerns. The webinar showed how the coronavirus crisis can be used to build up one's own assets and it gave participants the positive message that every crisis can also bring positive developments.
The coronavirus crisis offers opportunities to every single person. I am pleased that we, as financial experts, can use the webinar to address people's financial fears and doubts. Giving people the reassurance that many new paths and positive opportunities open up at this time is important. The crisis also offers opportunities for every company. For example, the transformation to digital business models will accelerate dramatically. The successful case of this webinar shows that with innovative ideas, we can very quickly move into market segments that we would never have considered before the coronavirus crisis.“
Stock market millionaire Beate Sander sparks rush to webinar
The webinar focused on the question of how investors can use the coronavirus crash to build up their assets. Here, the financial expert and Beate Sander, who has become known as Germany's "stock market grandmother", explained among other things why the crash is the best time to lay the foundation for your own assets. Regardless of whether one plans to invest 5,000, 10,000 or 20,000 euros wisely - the 82-year-old gave the webinar participants advice on their individual needs.
The rapid sell-out success of the seminar was in keeping with the enormous speed of implementation of the entire project: the paid webinar went live just ten days after the idea was born. Interested parties were able to secure access for 19.99 euros, and after just a few days the seminar was sold out with over 1,000 registrations.
The strength of the BurdaForward team is evident in how quickly and consistently we implemented this great idea right up to the first successful webinar. This success has given the team, which works across portal boundaries, even more motivation to launch new webinars. We are convinced that we are also capable of organising webinars with several thousand paying participants, particularly because it is unlikely that there will be any large congresses and trade fairs where people can inform themselves and exchange information. We are very happy to share our learnings with other interested Burda brands.“
Don't miss it!
Due to the great feedback, the planning for the next webinar is already in full swing. At 7:30p.m. on April 30, "Mr. Dax", Germany's most famous investor Dirk Müller, will explain how to use the crisis to build up assets. The participation fee for this webinar will be 49,99 €. More than 1500 participants have already registered for this webinar.
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