Germans are increasingly willing to take risks when it comes to investments. The BurdaForward Finance Study 2021 reveals what German investors need in times of crisis and how dramatically they assess the consequences of the pandemic for the economic situation in Germany.
Pandemie macht Deutsche risikobereiter
The Germans' willingness to take risks has been on the rise since 2016. But the crisis has given it new momentum. In 2021, every fourth investor is willing to make investments with higher or very high risk.
Securities and funds instead of conservative forms of investment
Interest in alternative forms of savings has risen sharply overall compared to the previous year. In particular, interest in shares, securities and funds has almost doubled. In terms of investment use, interest in real estate also remains high: more than 50 percent of respondents invest in their own home.
Online seminars as competition for bank advisors
According to the representative study, more than half of the male respondents (53 percent) trust their own knowledge and analyses significantly more often. The performance of bank advisors is not rated as good by the study participants. They prefer to rely on their own research and independent information. The growing range of digital financial webinars offered by providers such as FOCUS Online and Finanzen100 help people to get to grips with the subject matter themselves.
Sustainability is becoming increasingly relevant for financial products
Sustainability is very popular with consumers. This is also increasingly true for financial products: The potential for sustainable investments is increasing, as shown by the BurdaForward Financial Study 2021: 37.4 percent of investors consider the sustainability aspect of their investment very important. Also, compared to non-sustainable companies, sustainable companies are perceived as significantly more future-oriented (82.6 percent), more trustworthy (68.7 percent), and more successful (65.4 percent).
All results of the study can be found in our research section.