In order to ensure that society is protected against further infections, at least 60 percent of smartphone users in Germany should have the corona app installed and activated. In a one-hour live broadcast by and FOCUS Online, selected experts will speak on the new corona warning app of the German government.
The comments on the Corona-Alert-App divide the society and raise questions. Many are afraid of misuse of their data or believe that the implementation of such an app is far too late. However, in view of the fact that every week further loosening is being introduced, the exact opposite is the case: A comprehensive infection control through the Corona App is therefore not only sensible right now, but should be a must.
The aim of today's live broadcast is to promote the use of the app in society through transparency and education. During the interview, the essential questions will be answered constructively and honestly - supported by selected experts: Tankred Schipanski (digital policy spokesman for the CDU/CSU faction in the Bundestag), Linus Neumann (Chaos Computer Club) and Hauke Mormann (Consumer Advice Center NRW).
According to a study by Oxford University, a corona app is only really effective when 60 percent of the population has installed and activated the app. For comparison: the only app that has so many users in Germany is WhatsApp. This makes it all the more important that every person with a compatible smartphone installs the corona warning app. After all, downloading an app is much less time-consuming than remembering to take your mouth guard with you every time you leave the house.
How secure is your own data?
This is probably the question that currently concerns almost every user in Germany. To answer it very briefly: Yes. The Corona-Warn-App was developed in a way that firstly, as little data as possible is collected from the user and secondly, nobody can misuse the app for other purposes.
In contrast to the Apps in other countries, such as France, the Corona-Warn-App uses a decentralised storage principle. Most data is processed locally and never leaves the smartphone. Only the IDs of users who enter a positive Corona test in the app are uploaded to a central database for comparison and downloaded by all smartphones. The comparison of whether one has met someone with this ID is also done locally. By storing very little data on the central server, the developers reduce the risk of attackers gaining access and stealing or misusing data.
However, you can still leave the app at any time. This also deletes all stored data associated with your account.
The live broadcast can be followed today from 6 pm on FOCUS Online and, as well as via the respective YouTube and Facebook channels of the two brands.