"What is the most relevant topic for you in the field of content marketing right now?" This question greeted visitors of Europe's largest content marketing event at our booth. Journalists from the FOCUS Online editorial team, SEO specialists, content strategists and experts from the fields of social media and performance advertising were available to answer questions from guests.
Content-Talk at the coffee bar
The CMCX, Europe's largest trade fair for content marketing, took place on March 12 and 13, 2019. At the BurdaForward booth visitors had the opportunity to talk to experts and ask questions about content. A barista invited visitors to choose the coffee mug that matched their topic of interest - and so the content talk began! According to the results, the topics that are currently driving the industry the most are social media, SEO and content strategy. During the two days of the fair in Munich, the team was able to explicitly address the needs and questions of the visitors.
BurdaForward On Stage
By organising two lectures and participating in a discussion round, we as BurdaForward also provided deep insights into the world of content commerce.
In the Solution Area of the CMCX trade fair area, Raoul Dery, Head of Performance Advertising at BurdaForward Advertising, presented a wide range of solutions for advertising customers who want to increase revenues in a targeted manner with content integrations.
Karina Groschberger-Wex, Head of Brand Marketing at BurdaForward Advertising, and Felix Godron, Executive Director of CHIP, showed the conference participants how these solutions can look. To do this, they showed a campaign launched by BurdaForward’s consumer brand CHIP for the tech brand “Acer” as a case study.
'One size fits all' does not always fit. At CHIP, we offer individual advice and respond to the needs of our users. Our job is to make our users happy. When they have finally found the right product and are satisfied with it, we have done a good job.”“
Martin Baier, Director of the BurdaForward Partner Studios, took part in an interactive panel discussion on the topic of Native Advertising and, together with industry experts from CEWE, iq digital and Velux, provided the conclusion of the Native Advertising Track in the conference programme of the CMCX. The future of the advertising market and the demands made of it were subject of discussion - from both a brand and a marketing perspective.