Online banking has long become the norm: According to a survey by the opinion research institute GfK, one in two Germans is committed to online banking. For the 2018 Online Bank Test, CHIP examined the service quality of 14 national banks and eight regional institutions.
For an overall victory, the insurance companies had to convince in the categories "Costs" (25%), "Offer" (20%) and "App" (20%). The factor "security" took the strongest weighting with a share of 35 percent of the total evaluation. Finally, according to a recent Bitkom study, 88 percent of German Internet criminals consider cybercrime to be threatening.
First place in the national online bank test was taken by Deutsche Kreditbank Aktiengesellschaft (DKB) with top marks for both "security" and "cost" and a very good app. In the regional test winner Stuttgarter Volksbank, customers can expect premium protection, a secure app and a wide range of services. For the first time, CHIP also evaluates the banks' deposit offers: The Consorsbank wins the neck-and-neck race with DKB.
National winner with a clear lead: DKB
The DKB (overall rating: 97.3) proves that security does not always have to be expensive and receives the grade "very good" in three categories: It uses a secure TAN procedure for mobile and desktop banking. In the event of damage, it bears the costs via its security guarantee - even if the customer has acted with gross negligence. An additional plus is the free credit card to the free current account. The only drawback is that customers of direct banks have to make some concessions when it comes to the offer, including the fact that DKB lacks a personal advisory service. Here, the runner-up Deutsche Bank (87.4) receives the maximum number of points (100) for the great variety of services.
Winner regionally with very good security features: Volksbank Stuttgart
Secure TAN procedures and strict rules for password access to the mobile app and via the desktop browser: With this, Stuttgarter Volksbank (overall rating: 85.3) took victory in the "Security" category. The bank also offers a good range of services and a customer-friendly app. The regional test winner receives deductions for costs incurred. Volksbank customers have to expect comparatively high fees when withdrawing money from third-party ATMs. Sparda-Bank Baden-Württemberg offers the most favourable account management. This financial institution is ranked second (84.3) in the regional ranking with good results.
Sieger Depot by a narrow margin: Consorsbank
In addition to online banking, many customers also take advantage of the custody account services of their banks. CHIP has therefore separately analysed the relevant offers of the participating financial institutions. The testers considered three categories: "costs" (50%), "service" (30%) and "offers" (20%). With a marginal difference in points, Consorsbank (88.6) holds its ground ahead of DKB (88.4). The decisive factor for the narrow victory is the more balanced result of the direct bank in all test factors. DKB delivers top results in terms of costs and supply, but weakens with only adequate service. 1822direkt and DKB provide the largest selection of (one hundred percent discounted) equity funds. The Exchange-Traded Commodities (ETFs), which are popular with small investors, list virtually all banks in their portfolio.
The complete test report with detailed infographics will be published in CHIP 11/2018 and will be available in stores and at the CHIP Kiosk from 5 October. The enclosed DVD contains the CHIP Banking Browser, which offers special functions against Phishing and other methods of attack, providing special security for financial transactions.