12,500 square metres of flowering meadow - that's our great result from 2023! Supported by committed partners and with the help of numerous sustainability campaigns, we were able to make a small contribution to a flourishing future.
How we made Germany flourish
What is this campaign all about? Bees, bumblebees and butterflies are true superheroes of nature, as they play an important role in maintaining our ecosystem. But their habitat is shrinking - their future, and therefore ours, is at stake.
Our magic formula for this year was therefore:
For every campaign booked in the context of FOCUS online Earth or our e-mobility portal EFAHRER.com, as well as for targetings with a sustainable focus, we sponsored 500 square metres of flowering meadow as part of the Blühende Landschaft network's BienenBlütenReich project. In total, an impressive 7,500 square metres of land were donated.
The first flowering area
Our first flower paradise is located on the Vorberg farm in Velbert, North Rhine-Westphalia, near Düsseldorf. The seed mixture that grows and thrives here is called "Visselhöveder Hummelblüte" (Visselhöved bumblebee flower) and is specially tailored to the particular needs of bumblebees. But many other insects also feel right at home here and have been given a new habitat.
Plus 5.000 square metres for a second insect paradise
Just in time for Christmas, and because we are so pleased with this great result, we are sponsoring a further 5,000 square metres of flowering area. This can be found in the north of Germany, near Lüneburg. The "Spätsommeransaat Nord" seed has already been sown and will become a new Eldorado for bees, bumblebees and butterflies next spring.
This will create 12,500 square metres of blossom. We will continue our campaign next year - and hope that you will join us again as we take another small step towards a future worth living.
We would like to thank our partners