Native Advertising at BurdaForward: From hype to an established revenue model for publishers
by Eva Schuler
Six years ago, we set out on almost unknown territory - and today we have reached the 1000th Native Advertising booking! We want to celebrate this and use it as an opportunity to support a young company that thinks as constructively as we do: We are giving away a native branding campaign worth 50,000 Euros!
How everything started
What started in 2014 as a kind of start-up has grown into an established business model for publishers and has become an important strategic pillar of BurdaForward. Over the past few years, native advertising has developed into an efficient and promising online marketing tool. The native ad movement spilled over from the USA to us in the German advertising market. In particular through our close cooperation with the Huffington Post, we quickly recognized the potential of native advertising on the publishing side. Visits to several publishing houses in the U.S. as well as numerous on-site discussions with our American colleagues helped to raise awareness of the topic of native advertising. It quickly became clear that the concept of native advertising fits perfectly with the BurdaForward DNA. Under the motto "Goodvertising" we still focus on the needs of our users. Because the sense and soul of BurdaForward is good news: reliable, relevant and above all solution-oriented information with which we support our users in their everyday lives.
BurdaForward celebrates the 1,000th native advertising campaign
Our experienced colleagues from the advertising sector build a bridge between publishing and marketing on a daily basis. This creates the intersection of journalistic skills and marketing expertise necessary for effective branded content campaigns. We have already convinced 520 customers from a wide range of industries of this - today we received our 1,000th booking.
We now would like to give something back and support a young company with our long-standing content expertise.
The prerequisite? An innovative business idea and a constructive product!