More success with SEO-optimized articles

Successful online advertising

Contact us now

Almost every German Internet user searches for companies on the Internet via search engines. Good online marketing is therefore critical to success. We help your company to be found on Google - with an advertorial on our brand-strong portals. Use the reach and reader trust of FOCUS online, CHIP, N-TV,, Finanzen100 and Fit FOR FUN for your advertising!

In three easy steps to success

Together with you, we select suitable Google keywords that are exclusive to you.

After a short briefing, our experienced content experts will create the relevant articles for you.

Let us know any changes you would like to make or give us article approval - and your advertorial is online and can be found on Google.

Professionelle Artikel im Stil des Publishers

Ihr Advertorial erstellen professionelle Content-Experten mit langjähriger Erfahrung. Ansprache, Aufbau und Aussehen Ihres Artikels orientieren sich am Stil des jeweiligen Publishers. Dadurch gewährleisten wir maximale Glaubwürdigkeit und Authentizität. Natürlich kannst du auch gerne deine eigenen Texte anliefern und wir adaptieren die Inhalte entsprechend auf unseren Seiten.

Ihr exklusives Keyword, mit dem Ihr Advertorial bei Google gefunden wird
Mit ihrem gut sichtbaren Impressum wecken Sie Vertrauen und ermöglichen die Kontaktaufnahme
Mit bis zu 500 Wörtern können Sie Ihr Produkt oder Unternehmen ausführlich vorstellen
Gerne verweisen wir durch Verlinkungen im Text und Call-to-Action-Buttons auf Ihre Webseite
Durch die Integration von Bildern und Videos wirkt Ihr Advertorial abwechslungsreich und weckt noch mehr Interesse
Our references

Best Cases

Our publishers are the ideal platform for almost all topics that users search for on the Internet.

By the way: Try it out for yourself and search for the relevant term on Google!

FOCUS online

SEO Agency Vienna:
SEO agencies also need SEO support. With an advertorial, we support the Viennese agency in acquiring new customers.


Create a QR code for free:
Advertorials can also be the answer to a question - for example, how to create a QR code for free. The question is quickly answered with a hit on Google page one.

Improve tear production:
Health topics are among the most frequent search queries. Here too, advertorials can provide the information that users want.


Crisis-proof shares:
Investing money can be a tricky business. In conjunction with our Finanzen100 brand, our client's advertorial provides credible support when it comes to finding the right investment.


A dermatologist without waiting:
How can I get an appointment with a specialist quickly and easily? Many users ask this question, which is why the advertorial on FIR FOR FUN is one of the most popular articles.

We happyily advise you

Contact person

Behind every advertorial is a well-coordinated and professional team that puts its heart and soul into your campaign.

The team of sales and marketing employees as well as content and SEO specialists will support you from creation to publication and will also help you after the campaign has started.

Contact me and my team without obligation - we will be happy to realize your campaign and help you achieve more success!

Request an offer now

Holger Bickel
Tel.: +49 151 53874450
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